• WHAT
  • An Event Where Both Creators and Exhibitors Can Feel Connections Being Formed.

An Event Where Both Creators and Exhibitors Can Feel Connections Being Formed.

What was the purpose of this event?

CREATORS EDGE 2024 was a joint event by “Video Salon,” a magazine specializing in videos, and “Commercial Photo,” a magazine focused on advertising photography.  

There were two main purposes for holding this event. The first was to raise awareness of these magazines among creators. The second was to deepen relationships with companies essential to videomaking and photography, such as camera and video editing software companies, through in-person networking. Based on these objectives, we decided on the event theme: “Connecting the Dots,” symbolizing how the various ideas that gather at the venue can connect and create a large circle (or bond).

Why was our company entrusted with this event?

We received a passionate appeal that was almost like a love letter (laughs). Initially, we had asked several event companies for estimates and proposals, but GP personally delivered a proposal, as well as materials, to our office with a strong desire to handle this event. The contents of their proposal were amazing, and more importantly, it made us feel like “this would be fun to work on together,” so we entrusted them with the event.

What did you focus on while planning?

We focused on making both the customers and participating companies happy. For the customers, we provided useful information, and for the exhibitors, we ensured that they could enjoy the kind of interaction that only an in-person event could offer. We were committed to making everyone feel that “attending this event was worth it!”

What were the challenges in holding the event?

Since we were looking for a new event company and venue this time, we were initially anxious, but everything was handled meticulously, so we were able to hold the event with more confidence than last year.  

There were some unexpected challenges, such as speakers not arriving until five minutes before the opening, and difficulties with equipment recovery after the event, but thanks to the help of the staff, we managed to overcome them.

What left an impression on you in your interactions with GP?

Their attention to detail. For example, every time the venue layout changed, they provided updated diagrams (we ended up updating them about 30 times), and they quickly provided estimates in response to our proposals. Their flexibility made it much easier to plan, especially in regards to  the budget.

How were the responses from the participants?

Although I didn’t have the time to talk to customers directly on the day of, many people shared their thoughts through comments on the live stream and hashtags on social media. The event was primarily aimed at people working with videos and photography, but a variety of attendees participated, and we received feedback like “The seminar was informative,” and “We’re looking forward to more in the future.” Exhibitors also expressed their satisfaction, with many saying, “We want to participate again.”

Were the event’s goals achieved?

In terms of participant turnout and the number of exhibitors, we achieved many of our objectives. In particular, the number of participants greatly exceeded our expectations, reaching 1.6 times that of last year.

How would you like to develop this event in the future?

Our company also publishes magazines that deal with illustrations. While there are other exhibitions related to videos and photography, events that extend into the broader realm of visual arts, such as illustrating and animation production, are rare. I think it would be interesting to involve our illustration-related departments and expand the event to cover visual arts as a whole.  

Also, since the number of participants increased by 1.6 times this time, I hope to achieve a similar level of growth in attendance for the next event!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024