• WHAT
  • The Largest Annual Awards Ceremony in IDOM, Which Was Open To All Employees, With a Strong Focus on the Event’s Main Theme.

The Largest Annual Awards Ceremony in IDOM, Which Was Open To All Employees, With a Strong Focus on the Event’s Main Theme.

What is the main purpose of this event?

The “IDOM AWARDS” is the highest-ranking internal awards ceremony, held every summer for the sake of all employees. Based on our company’s philosophy of “next time, something even better,” we aim to improve the event every year.

This was the third time that we teamed up with GP. Each time, they provide excellent proposals, and the level of the event continues to rise (laughs). As a result, the idea of “being able to stand on that stage” has become a well-established goal among our employees, and we feel that it is very effective as a motivation strategy within the company.

Additionally, this time we took on the challenge of “conveying the company’s philosophy to employees (watching the livestream) through a presentation.”

Why did you entrust this event to us?

The main reason was that you had already handled the IDOM AWARDS twice in the past. Rich ideas, experience in the industry, high-quality output, your willingness to respond to unreasonable requests… I could go on, but at any rate, we felt reassured entrusting this to you, and are very grateful for your work.

What was the most important point you focused on while planning?

We focused a lot on direction and structure this time, these included:
・Our first time using a dual-stage setup
・A switching theme between the first and second halves
・Enhanced appeal of interview content through blackboard panels
・Silhouette performances from backstage, strengthening IDOM’s coolness
・Live music for stage entrances
And much more!

In particular, incorporating a center stage and runway performance made for a very innovative and memorable production. Additionally, we were very particular about the performance in the latter half, where colors and sounds gradually increased, in accordance with the theme. We felt that the combination of live music, sound, and light was a sensory experience that made us think, “We’re glad we incorporated this production!”

What was the most challenging aspect of implementing the event?

Every year, it tends to be a race against time, but this time we particularly struggled on deciding a direction. With limited time, we had to make numerous decisions about what to include and what not to include, so it was a busy period.

What was the most memorable part of your interactions with us?

When considering themes, which is always a difficult task, we received not only several proposals but also ideas that really hit the mark. In response to our request of “making it better than the last time,” you worked with us to adjust the course until we were satisfied, and you offered many elements we had never seen before.

Despite often making unreasonable requests and facing tight deadlines, we were impressed by how seriously and readily everyone tackled the task.

How were the reactions from participants?

The response from employees was very positive. Not only did they enjoy the event, but some were so overjoyed that they said, “I’ve worked hard all year for this moment!”

Since there were so many first-time features this time, I believe the employees were quite excited. Additionally, by using the idea of a blackboard panel, I feel that we were able to successfully achieve the biggest request, which was “conveying the company’s philosophy.”

Did you achieve the event’s goal?

In terms of “creating the highest-level awards ceremony possible,” I feel that the smiles of the participants and the words they spoke on stage all indicate that we achieved that goal.

Furthermore, we were able to convey through the broadcast many messages that we wanted employees to take to heart, such as “what kind of mindset the award winners have when approaching their work.”

In addition to celebrating the achievements of our employees, being able to communicate their wonderful thoughts and actions to the entire company also resulted in great success.

How would you like to develop this event in the future?

Next year, we want to challenge ourselves even more. I’m even considering rethinking everything from scratch, including the method, location, and number of participants.

As IDOM AWARDS increasingly becomes recognized among employees as “the place to aspire to” and “the stage they want to stand on,” we want to continue challenging ourselves to make it an even more coveted and admired stage.


July 25, 2024