A Ceremony Overflowing With Corporate Identity, Confidently Declaring That “This Path Is the Right One.”

What was the primary goal of this event?
Every year on October 1, we hold a ceremony for new graduates. This year, the theme was “helping new hires solidify their confidence and determination in that the path they have chosen is the right one.” The event was designed as a ceremony, encouraging new employees to reflect on their current situation and ideals, set goals, and commit to becoming a member of society and IDOM.
Why did you entrust us with this event?
GP has been responsible for IDOM’s largest annual awards ceremony, the IDOM AWARDS, for several years.
While new hires have received their respective offers, they may not have fully committed to joining us. To reinforce their decision to choose IDOM, we turned to GP, with whom we have an established relationship, and who is well-versed in our company’s unique characteristics and values.

What was the most important point you focused on while planning?
For last year’s ceremony, we focused on addressing the concerns of the new hires’ parents. This included a live broadcast for parents, as well as a heartfelt letter from the head of the HR department.
We also incorporated activities such as room decorating and a business card exchange game with employees, allowing participants to experience IDOM’s unique culture.
This year, we changed both the direction and the theme. We emphasized the corporate identity rooted in our founding ethos: “Persisting in pursuing dreams no matter the challenges.” This is encapsulated in our slogan: “Go all out, forever young.”
Key highlights included runway shows, VTR (video) and lighting presentations, and a “flag of commitment” that incorporated these elements. Furthermore, hosting the ceremony at the same venue as the IDOM AWARDS made it serve as the stage the new hires should aspire to reach.

What was the most challenging aspect of the event?
Ensuring consistency between the theme, materials, and content was quite challenging. Internally, the theme took time to finalize, leading to concurrent production timelines and a hectic workload.
What stood out in your interactions with us?
During the final stages, when deadlines became tight, we worked together through trial and error to ensure success.
We felt that GP not only accommodated our requests, but also provided numerous suggestions that helped in bringing the event to life.

How did participants respond?
According to our survey, 98% of participants said they felt more motivated to join the company!
The ending video, which reflected on the day’s events, captured the sincere entertainment and commitment of the new hires. It was truly a ceremony that embodied IDOM’s spirit of “Go all out, forever young.”
Was the event’s purpose achieved?
Based on the positive survey results, we believe that the goal was fully achieved.
How do you plan to develop this event in the future?
While next year’s theme and objectives will likely evolve accordingly, we intend to continue hosting ceremonies that showcase IDOM’s unique identity.
Additionally, we aim to turn popular elements from past events into IDOM traditions, further enriching the experience for future participants.