Transforming Corporate Culture with Fun! Unlocking the Potential of Young Employees: The ‘Omoro Recital’

What was the main purpose of this event?
The main purpose was transforming corporate culture. Last year (in 2023), Mizuho Leasing developed a full-term management plan, and a key topic had to be addressed: “How can we generate fresh ideas for creating and expanding new businesses, rather than simply growing what already exists?”
This led to discussions involving mid-level and new employees, which eventually inspired the launch of the “Omoro Fest.” Through this event, we aimed to let participants experience the “fun of creating” while building connections and making connections together.

Why did you choose us to manage this event?
We were introduced by JBS, the venue provider, who has a partnership with GP, and this connection was the starting point. After evaluating your presentations and track record, we decided to move forward with you. Since this was our first attempt at this event, we proceeded with planning while taking advice from GP.
What was prioritized in the planning of this event?
We focused on involving as many people as possible. The planning committee aimed to engage a wide audience not just on-site, but also online. Since this was a new initiative, we were concerned about potential resistance within the company. However, GP proposed strategies to keep online participants engaged, and created a broadcast-like experience with compelling visuals, which felt similar to a TV program.

What challenges did you face in executing this event?
Everything was a challenge, since it was our first attempt and we had to figure things out from scratch!
Additionally, this kind of unprecedented event, which isn’t directly tied to performance metrics, can naturally elicit mixed reactions from within the company. In other words, some employees reacted negatively. To address this, we focused on creating content that could win over skeptics, gradually engaging with them, and making efforts to involve them.
In the end, many people who were initially hesitant realized that they could enjoy—and even excel—in such initiatives.
What stood out to you in your interactions with us?
We appreciated how you clearly explained what could and couldn’t be done within our tight schedule and limited budget. Your detailed guidance was invaluable.
Additionally, thanks to your meticulous support—such as preparing monitors for feedback, selecting entrance music, and providing backstage staff—the environment enabled young employees to confidently make presentations in front of our CEO. As a result, the CEO even praised them, commenting, “Our young employees are excellent presenters.”

How did participants respond?
We expected mixed reactions for this first attempt, but the feedback was surprisingly positive. Some employees who were skeptical at first later said, “I’ve changed my perspective.” Even former employees who saw the videos were astonished, saying, “I can’t believe that company is hosting something like this!” Hearing such reactions was very rewarding, since they aligned with our goal.
Online participants also shared favorable impressions, describing the event as “feeling similar to watching a TV show.”

Was the event’s goal achieved?
It was a huge success! This event was essentially meant to be the “planting of seeds” for future initiatives, and based on the surveys and reactions, we felt that this objective was achieved. Hosting such a large-scale event was, in itself, unprecedented for our company, and it allowed us to establish an identity as a company capable of executing these kinds of projects.
Additionally, more than half of the Mizuho Leasing employees participated, both in-person and online. Initially, we thought even a participation of 20% would be a success for the first step, so the fact that it significantly exceeded our expectations was also excellent.
How would you like to develop this event in the future?
We want to continue hosting this event while further refining the concept based on this experience. Participation was somewhat limited this time due to scheduling and venue constraints, so we hope to increase participant numbers in the future. Additionally, we thought that this event could be leveraged for company PR.

Were there any sustainable efforts connected to this event (directly or indirectly)?
While sustainability typically focuses on environmental aspects, we believe that it also includes enhancing human capital through cultural transformation. This event was created for the purpose of generating ideas to address various social challenges, which contributes to sustainable corporate management.