COVID-19: Event Guidelines
Hello! This is Doi!
I feel like we’ve crossed one big mountain now that the state of emergency has dawned. Hopefully, the events will start to come back a little more slowly!
With Corona, people are starting to get back to their everyday lives, following a new way of life and getting creative, for example, by installing thermography at the entrances of shopping malls and other places that are now open for business.
At GP, we have created our own guidelines for starting real events in WITH Corona, following the rules and regulations of the world.
What is the ‘new way of life’ proposed by the Japanese government?

When the Japanese government declared a state of emergency, it defined a “new way of life” as shown in the picture above.
The routes of corona infection are classified into two types: droplet and contact transmission.
(1) Physical distance.
(2) Wear a mask.
(3) Hand washing
The idea is to switch to a lifestyle that avoids the three densities while implementing these three basic infection control measures.
Each person’s infection control is not a big deal. Each of us can start by taking measures that are close to us.
So what would it look like if we translate this into a real event?
Key points of action based on the “New Lifestyle
Based on The New Way of Life, GPs have put together their own list of countermeasures.
The one thing you should definitely consider when organizing an event is ‘how to avoid the three concentrations’.
The list goes on and on, but in order to run an event in WITH Corona, we had to anticipate all possible “3 conflicts” in advance.
Number 1: New admission rules.

First of all, as a ‘measure to get into the venue of the event’, we came up with an operation like the one pictured above.
Even in a venue that used to hold 700 people, the seating arrangement with social distance is still in the theater. Only 100 people will be able to enter. Therefore, it is possible that the event itself will be restricted in admission.
However, it would be lonely if ‘you can’t get into the venue, so you can’t participate’.
In this case.
Split the venue into two venues.
Utilizing our Live CONVENTION knowledge, the event will proceed in conjunction with the live distribution.
and other methods.
It is also important to take measures at the entrance.
A thermograph is set up at the reception desk to check the temperature, and those whose body temperature is higher than a certain level are asked not to enter the venue, and all visitors are asked to wear masks.
No. 2: Ensuring social distance during the event

Off-site guidance, such as the waiting line before entering the main venue, may also include a three-seat element.
In order to maintain social distance off-site, the timing of entry should be adjusted to allow several people to enter at a time, and detailed operational design should be in place, such as marking the bottom of the queue every 2 meters, similar to those seen in front of a checkout counter in a supermarket.
All you need to do is make sure that social distance is visible and that basic infection control measures are in place for participants at the time of entry.
No.3: Thorough disinfection

Disinfection is one of the basic preventive measures that the management can take.
Disinfection is, of course, carried out on people, but there is also the possibility of viruses being attached to equipment at the venue.
Therefore, handrails, doorknobs, and other equipment that people come in contact with should be thoroughly disinfected.

We can also place these disinfection devices at the reception desk and ask visitors to take a disinfection shower upon entering the venue.
In addition to the reception area, we also install disinfection equipment near the doors to the venue and take other measures to prevent the introduction of viruses.
No. 4: WITH corona equipment

The equipment-related aspects of hosting an event come with the event, but the equipment also needs to be shifted for WITH Corona.
In addition to disinfection, equipment like the one pictured above is also essential.
In addition to protective equipment for coronaviruses, which can be transmitted through hands and eyes, it is important to arrange and prepare acrylic partitions and plastic curtains to strengthen social distance.
Preventing 3-crowding requires consideration on the part of the management staff as well as the participants. In addition to masks and disinfection for all staff members, we must also pay attention to the implementation of staff temperature checks and staffing. We must do this.
This review of everything related to the event and changing the rules for 3 dense events will be the new style of event.
We are still in the process of further scrutiny within the GP, and we will continue to experiment with all kinds of corona measures to bring real events into our daily lives.

Head of Everything