Join GP’s Hybrid Event! “Hybrid Conference” on March 25, 2021!
Hello, this is Okawa from GP.
We’ve heard people talk about online events and hybrid events all over the place, but it’s hard to imagine what they’re really like until we actually attend one.
GP is pushing for hybrid events, but to what extent and what can we do? Many of you might want to know specifically.
People have a hard time visualizing what they have not experienced.
In order to welcome the coming age of hybrid events and to allow as many people as possible to experience firsthand the possibilities of hybrid events, we have decided to hold a “hybrid event for the general public,” the “Hybrid Conference”, on March 25, 2021.
It is an online event for the general public, which means “you”, the person reading this article right now, can also attend!

This is the ideal Hybrid Event honorably presented by GP
This is the first time for GP to hold a hybrid event for the general public.
This is a unique opportunity for us to show you how dead serious GP is when it comes to hybrid events. We are currently working as a team to prepare for the event.
The event, titled “The Future of Hybrid Communication” will be held and we will have some of the industry’s leading experts as guests to share their perspectives on the future of online communication and online events. But this is by us, GP, it won’t be just an event to watch!
The Online Platform will be through “zoom”
This event will be using zoom for online participation.
It is not unusual to use zoom for online events, but since it is a familiar tool, many people may wonder, “What is an online event with zoom like?”
This time, we will “dare” to use zoom so that you can actually experience an example of how far you can go with zoom! You can actually experience an example of what you can do with the platform.
Questions will be taken in real time during the event!
During the speakers’ presentations, questions from the audience are accepted. Questions gathered will be answered in the Q&A corner. You may be able to ask “your” questions to the leading experts in the industry and have them answered!
You can jump in too! Venue x Online Talk Session
One of the major advantages of a hybrid event is that it allows for interaction between the audience and online participants.
In order for you to experience this firsthand, we will have a talk session where the speakers at the venue and the zoom participants will talk to each other!
We hope you will join us for this real x online talk session, which can even seem closer than real-time questions.

Speakers are superb!
The speakers for this event are all people who have been at the forefront of the online and communication worlds and are people you want to hear at least once. The fact that you can hear them speak for free makes this a can’t-miss event!
Now, we’ll be introducing our guest speakers!
Madoka Sawa / Ensow Corp. President

Formerly an Executive Officer of Microsoft Japan, Visiting Professor at Ryukyu University, and a graduate of Rikkyo University’s Faculty of Economics. After working for a life insurance company’s IT subsidiary, he joined Microsoft Japan in 1997, where he served as the head of the Japan Satellite Cybercrime Response Team after a change in management in 2006. He has been serving as a consultant and advisor to numerous companies, focusing on technology awareness and human resource development.
Yoshihisa Aono / Cybozu Corp. CEO

Born in 1971. Born in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture. After working for Matsushita Electric Works (now Panasonic), he founded Cybozu in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture in August 1997, and became President and Representative Director in April 2005. January 2018, became President and Director of the Teamwork Research Institute (current position) and promoted work style change within the company, reducing the turnover rate to one-tenth, and took three parental leaves as a father of three children. In 2011, he began to shift his business to cloud computing, and by 2020, the cloud computing business will account for more than 75% of his total sales.
Norihiko Sasaki / NewsPicks NewSchool Principal

Director (part-time) of NewsPicks Studios. He is the author of “Japan 3.0”, “Is the American Elite Really Amazing? ” and “Will the Media still Make Money in Five Years? ” His latest book is “Editorial Thinking”.
Masaki Kouhata Global Produce Co., Ltd. CEO

Worked as an event producer at JTB Group. In 2012, he founded GP, bringing together professionals from all over the industry to create a group of talented producers. The entire company plans and produces more than 100 events a year both domestically and internationally. As an individual, he specializes in stage production for large conventions for 5,000 to 20,000 people. In recent years, he has produced “Harajuku Summer Festival”, “TOKYO BIJIN Project”, and “Enterprise TV”.
& there may be other secret guests!
Online participation is by advance registration only. Participation is FREE!
Join in for this Hybrid Event by GP!

Event Director