Message to Recruiters: New Corporate Recruiting 2021 created by LIVE CONVENTION
Hello, my name is Kawamoto.
Recruiting to retain talented human resources is at the top of the management agenda.
Students have a limited amount of time on their hands.
In order for students to recognize your company as an attractive one, it is essential to communicate your company’s appeal to the maximum extent possible and to maximize strong engagement with students.
And the big topic of the year is still the coronavirus.
The global outbreak of the coronavirus coincided with the lifting of the ban on publicity for new graduate recruitment in March.

As a result, the joint information sessions held every March by job-hunting websites have been canceled one after another.
This has left companies feeling lost in an environment they have never experienced before, while students continue to feel anxious about the prospect of working.
In response to this environment, many companies are rushing to implement individualized measures, such as making company information sessions and interviews online.
I can only imagine the hardships faced by hiring managers.
To begin with, Japan’s economy has been stable in recent years, and all companies have been desperate to hire people due to the labor shortage.
It was a “seller’s market” for talented students to sell themselves.
But unfortunately, this was also the case before Corona.
Today, the job market is also in an unprecedented state of turmoil.
How to remove the anxiety of students as HR
Frankly, under the influence of the coronavirus, past successes in recruiting are not at all reliable. No. And no one knows the right way to go about hiring in this situation.
In the past, the hiring process of interviews, job offers, informal ceremonies, training, and induction ceremonies was, in a sense, a real eventful corporate activity.
However, nowadays most of these activities have to be done online.
What are the challenges for companies in this situation?
In my opinion, the biggest challenge is that ‘attachment and trust in the company, which should be nurtured in stages by the time you start working, becomes weak.
“The sequence of events: interview, job offer, job offer ceremony, training, and then the induction ceremony.”
These are ideas based on the ‘real-life experience that students get by moving’.
However, as online recruiting becomes more and more active in the future, it will become more and more important for companies to reach out to students as well as students.
How can we wipe away their anxiety?
How do we stay connected?
How can we provide useful information?

I think the answer is a sincere offensive approach to recruitment and “effective online solutions”.
We need to try and weave the process as a story connected by lines rather than dots.
We, GLOBAL PRODUCE, take advantage of our strength in real event production to help companies in their recruiting activities using our online event solution, “LIVE CONVENTION”.
We take on the emotional impact of students’ once-in-a-lifetime job-hunting, and by integrating real-life experiences and online solutions, we propose a “new story under the coronavirus” for job hunting.

Examples of a job-hunting LIVE CONVENTION
Planning and direction of real and online ceremonies
Building a portal site for informal job offers (storing information, participatory content, etc.)
Design of training webinars for unofficial employees
Real-life ceremony and online ceremony staging
Dear Hiring Managers, Let me offer you a suggestion to make the recruitment front a meaningful one in these difficult times of corona influence.
We are looking forward to working with you‼!

CPO, Head of Planning