Opened in Chicago! The immersive AR theater “Verse Immersive” is looking interesting

Hello, everyone! It’s Mayo from GP. Today, I want to introduce an immersive AR theater called “Verse Immersive” in Chicago. It’s said to be a cutting-edge form of entertainment that even NASA has adopted.
What is the immersive AR theater “Verse Immersive”?

Verse Immersive is an immersive AR theater that recently opened in Block 37, a commercial facility in Chicago, USA. It offers the opportunity to experience entertainment content using augmented reality (AR) technology.

The theater utilizes state-of-the-art AR technology adopted by NASA to create breathtakingly beautiful landscapes. Guests can enhance their imagination and have entirely new experiences in an unreal world, interacting with mythical creatures, solving puzzle games, and more. It sounds incredibly exciting!
Impressive Quality
One of the standout features of this facility is its use of the latest technology to deliver high-quality production. By combining innovative technology and artistic visuals, guests can naturally step into the world of augmented reality.
According to Ray Kallmeyer, the CEO of nklu, the company behind Verse Immersive, it took over 10 years to develop the current technology. While the immersive entertainment industry is still evolving with many companies entering the market, Verse Immersive’s quality sets it apart with an unparalleled level of realism.
What Can You Experience?

The opening attraction at Block37 is “Unreal Garden,” featuring the art of Android Jones. This popular content is a unique blend of “Avatar” and “Alice in Wonderland.”
By wearing a headset, you are guided by a butterfly into an unreal world as you collect crystals to return to reality. While the current content is “Unreal Garden,” the offerings at Verse Immersive may change with different exhibitions. It could be a deep-sea adventure, soaring through the sky, or even venturing into space. The charm of the AR world lies in the ability to experience things that are impossible in reality.
High Praise from Visitors

Of course, you won’t truly know the experience until you try it yourself. However, if Chicago seems a bit far, I found some comments from previous participants on their website that I’d like to share:
“I was completely overwhelmed. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The staff was amazing. I’ve seen many things, but this is truly one of a kind!”
“Unexpected but amazing! The staff was friendly and helpful from setup to checkout.”
“I felt the edge of the universe. I wish I had more time to interact with the mysterious creatures, the sparks of energy, the treasure hunting, and the changing scenery. Time flies by quickly. The creators really know how to evoke various emotions. It’s a fun and truly unique virtual experience. Highly recommended!”
“Fantastic holographic experience! It feels like being inside an interactive video game world.”
And many more positive comments. I’m even more eager to experience it for myself! In Tokyo, popular immersive facilities include “ZexaVerse Tokyo” and “TREE by NAKED Yoyogi Park.” Moreover, a virtual experience facility called “XR BASE,” where you can try MR technology and AR content for free, is set to open near Akihabara Station at the end of March. Immersive entertainment facilities that transport you to an unreal world are popping up all around Japan.
Even now, the production technology can reproduce astonishingly realistic experiences, so I can’t help but get excited about what the future holds for even more realistic and immersive entertainment experiences. Until next time!

Board Member, CMO, Executive Producer